RISC technology represents a recent development in the design of microprocessors. RISC CPUs have fewer and simpler instructions programmed into ROM, yet still have the capability of performing complex tasks. This feat is accomplished by combining simple instructions to form more complex ones. The advantage of the RISC architecture is speed, that is, processing time is greatly reduced. One currently finds RISC technology incorporated into the design of the CPUs used to drive workstations such as those developed by IBM and Sun Microsystems, Inc. Till now three basic problems of RISC processors are :
(i) PC software expects to see the Microsoft operating system environment and services.
(ii) The applications have been compiled to operate on CISC based instruction set processors.
(iii) Many older operating system based applications (and games) expect to see the exact PC hardware environment and then directly access the PC's hardware resources.
A list of popular RISC processors are given below :
• DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) Alpha : 21064, 21064A, 21068 etc.
• SPARC ( Scaleable Processor Architecture) : TMS 390S10.
• IBM, Apple and Motorola Power PC : 601, 604, 603, 620 etc.
• MIPs (Million Instruction Per Second) - R10000.
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