This class of microprocessors are microcode operated. Microcode is a set of instructions (software) for microprocessor that run invisibly inside the chip. As the processors are software operated, in general, performance of CISC is lower than hardware operated RISC processor. However, the major point favoring the continued use of CISC processors is that of software compatibility. A massive base of software now runs on CISC (specially 80X86 series) processors. Till-today, the largest CISC processors manufacturer is the Intel Corporation of USA. Some companies, say Advanced Micro Device (AMD), Cyrix and Nexgen manufactures Intel clone processors. The only other CISC manufacturer is the Motorola corporation. A list of popular CISC processors is shown below :
• Intel - 8085, 8088, 8086, 80286, 80386SX, 80386DX, 80486SX, 80486DX, Pentium, dual cone, quard cone etc.
• Motorola - 6800, 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040 etc.
• AMD - 386DX, 486DX, K5, Athol 64×2 dual core.
• Cyrix - 486DLC, 486SLC2, etc.
• IBM - 386SLC, 486SLC2, Blue lighting
• TI (Texas Instrument) - 486 SLC/E, 486 DLC/E etc.
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