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special purpose processor

special purpose processor

Special purpose microprocessors are used for specific applications or to enhance the performance of main processor. A coprocessor is an example of the special purpose processor. 

Most microcomputers support the use of one or more coprocessors. A coprocessor is a special microprocessor designed to perform one or more specific tasks. The most commonly used coprocessor is the math coprocessor. Its use greatly speeds up the carrying out of numerical calculations. Current trend of microprocessor manufacturer is to incorporate the coprocessor within the main processor. Intel incorporated a math coprocessor into its 80486 and Pentium chips. 

Other available coprocessors generally serve to enhance a computer's capabilities regarding the amount of systems and application software that will run on the computer. Examples: Intel 8087, 80287, 80387, 487 etc, Cyrix 83DS7, EMC87; Weitek 1167, 3167, 4167 etc.


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